General benefits of life insurance

But you can help make sure you or your family are covered financially, in case they do happen. By having the right type and amount of insurance you can continue to achieve your goals and enjoy peace of mind. The types of events that insurance can help protect you financially against, include: Illness, injury or redundancy. If you can't work, you can continue to receive ongoing income so you can still afford to live.
Major illness. If you get sick, insurance can help cover those unexpected financial commitments, such as recovery, debt repayment, lifestyle changes, home help, or alternative treatments, and death and terminal illness. When you're not there to earn a salary, insurance can help replace your lost income and fund the big goals you had for your family. Such as your children's education, repayment of debts, and various other financial expenses.
Having the right insurance can cover you day-to-day for as long as you live, and beyond. It's important to work out what you really need, and review and update your cover as your life situation changes. Also, be wary of cancelling or replacing your cover, because if your health circumstances have changed, it might be more expensive, or you might not qualify. And remember, the more cover you have, the higher your premiums will be. The right types and amounts of insurance can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that life's unfortunate and unforeseen events won't stop you from achieving the goals you have for you and your family. Choose the cover you need and protect the people you care about most.
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