Tactics for Negotiating Insurance Settlements

The law says they only owe reasonable medical bills for necessary health care. So, it should come as no surprise that these insurance companies, on darn near every case, they’re gonna' argue that some of your bills aren't reasonable, in fact quite a few of them. And then they’re gonna' argue that quite a bit of your health care wasn't necessary, didn't follow some type of guidelines or standardized procedures. Not only that, but you have to be prepared to understand that there's a waiting game. The insurance companies, most of the time, are not willing on one phone call, or even on the second phone call, to offer you their full settlement range authority.
They’re gonna' start out offering a low amount and no matter what you do or say during that phone call, or in person meeting, it's not gonna’ change their mind, because there's policies and procedures in place where they want people sitting around wondering, that might need money, if they should take it, and they want to wear you down. And if you think about it, that's good negotiation strategy. If you contact an attorney, we can help you. We can give you a free consultation, or you can hire us and we can do it for you.
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