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Friday, January 29, 2016

Ohio Attorney Reveals What Makes A Strong Personal Injury Claim

now as a as a personal injury attorney to who is constantly bombarded by people who you know made an accident you know last week last month last year uh... you know some o some people have very significant injuries some people may have more soft tissue type injury eve how do you make a determination as to the cases that you accept

you know do you have a sort of a formula uh... in obviously you want people to be happy with your services of how you make that determination as to you know if this is a case that you're going to really be able to help experts jonathan that's a great question and it's it's a hard question in some cases

well the first issue is you know well is their liability you can talk to the person who you can get a pretty good feel for was the other person because the other person was cited by the police doesn't necessarily mean that they were the other person was at fault that you can hear the facts get the police report is it you know preliminarily or just even over the phone make a pretty good determination that there's responsibility made sometimes there may be partial responsibility but clearly you can pretty well decide

you get a rear end collision and left of center a t-bone intersection failure to yield the right of way so you want to know what the liability is and then of course you want to know was there to me there was a significant car damage we have the we all know jonathan all these seminars that we've seen a low impact soft tissue cases always no car dealership and you can spend it had a lot of money getting experts and people can get hurt

you know the cars are built so good now that they take the bulk of the hit but it's really really hard to convince the jury when you look at a car and see no car dammage on the on on your on at italy stone one of the car's is cars can under ride so i'm usually looking for some type of significant damage now on the ba or cover underneath the barber are uh... is the best something like that and of course

how fast if they they go on to the doctor you know that they would be a day did they start gauntlet the day uh... that's the ideal situation they have enough the broken and severe injury it it you know there in the hospital does the tenant a second i've taken i can tell you know the ones that are are cars car
maybe somebody's been trying to handle the case then sells for a little while

it's been about four months out the insurance companies kinda started to jericho around to get in the picture makeup and and the they've really only seeing the doctor a couple times maybe they didn't go to the emergency room

that may or may not be a case that i contained unless i can stories with my intuition and chuck beckman cuz they blow is this going to lead to is just a strainers frame is going to be a liar or are they haven't radiated paying an extra buddy it could be a disk injuries and i could be very severe instance uris i may go ahead and take their case in the spotlight and uh... you know maybe they get better in in six weeks but i think they need somebody in there to help guide them


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