How to Get Insurance For a Business
Having good insurance for your company is paramount. It's very important. This is Clayton Christopher, founder and CEO, sweet leaf tea company. There's plenty of great places to go to get advice on the types of insurance you need for your company. Going to an insurance agent with most insurance companies is probably the est place to go for advice. I suggest trying to find and insurance company that really specializes in businesses rather than residential or auto.You just, you're going to deal with a completely different set of challenges when you need insurance for your company versus just insurance for your home or car. That being said, whoever you choose to get your insurance through will probably lay out. They should lay out for you a lot of options for different types of insurance from liability insurance to auto insurance if you're using automobiles in your business, to property insurance, to loss of business insurance, so, in case you were to have a fire and you're out of business for a month, there's insurance for that. But that being said, you're going to get more options than you can probably afford, or your insurance person is probably going to lay out more options and more ways, more types of insurance to buy that you really need. So I'd say early on in your business, especially in a start up scenario it's usually a scenario where you need to be willing to take more risk.
Which often times means less insurance. When I first started sweet leaf tea, we ran really bare boned, so. I mean it was, liability insurance only for our delivery trucks. It was, we had no property insurance, it was just, I just couldn't afford it. So, you get the type of insurance that you need, but maybe necessarily type of insurance that you want. As your company gets bigger and it's actually worth more money it becomes a lot more important to protect those assets. You probably want to increase your insurance. There's also going to be insurance some of your customers may dictate that you have to have. So it's good to have that and to talk to some of those customers. So, but your local insurance person that specializes in business insurance, corporate insurance, will be great resource for what you need. This is Clayton Christopher, founder and CEO of sweet leaf tea company.
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